Sequences of Symbols..
  If we accept the conversion table of Louis Godart on the right as a basis for a correspondence between symbols and numbers, we can work directly with the last ones. Further, accepting as good all the observations of L.Godart and other scholars about the direction  of writing (from right to left) and order of Side A and B, we can read the text of the Disk as follows: 

Texts A and B
I've marked with bold characters sequences of numbers with greater frequencies. Following a table of the most frequent groups, ordered if appearing 'inside' or 'outside' the word: 


  The table has many gaps, and  surely one could find other 'sequences' (e.g. all 'words' beginning with  2-12 ) but we must think that the total amount of signs is very limited ( 242 signs ).Given the brevity of the text it is very difficult to associate contigous words: there is not possibility to make a reasonable statistic work. Perhaps just the existence of so many recurrences (see 31-26-12 ) could give an  idea of contents of the Disk: an apologetic one (celebration of a divine or human personality); or a  religious one : a reiteration of magic spells or of invocations ; or even of a diplomatic or political treaty, or a commercial one or conjugal..Maybe just the sharpness of drawings could mean that the matrix were done 'only' for this copy, only for this work and the text therefore should have been very important. 
The hypothesis about a political treaty could be, i think, very useful for the translation: lists of geographical places with possible correspondence to Linear B, classical greek or also other languages spoken in the Mediterranean area, could become so successful as they were for the deciphering of myceaean greek.. 
As an example: if we read in the other direction sequences with repetition of a sign ( 2-12-27-27-35 in the A side and 29-24-24-20-35 in the B side ) these could be transcriptions , in a writing system different from Linear B, of the endings in -ssos  of the names of some places like Knossos and Halikarnassos, which many scholars think to be remains of a language older then the Greek, the same which gave origin to words like labyrinthos, asaminthos, Korinthos.
But in the last years this hypothesis also has been refused ... lot of confusion :) !

push back to the Disk of Phaistos